Hello various readers, friends and well-wishers!
It has been a long time since my last blog post. Never fear, all is well. I am happy, healthy and usually full of noodles (not a euphemism or figure of speech, I just eat a lot of noodles). I am also very busy. Like, real-life, working full-time in addition to keeping up with all of my fun T.O. activities busy. I have come to the realization that at the moment I have just enough time to eat, sleep, work and play. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time to blog.
So! I have decided that instead of ignoring the problem and feeling guilty about it, I will accept it as my current reality. This will be my last post before T.O. See & T.O. Do goes on an indefinite hiatus. I started this blog hoping to accomplish a number of things (as a way to spread the word about awesome T.O. happenings, as a creative outlet, as a distraction from unemployment) and I feel like it was successful on all fronts. And I feel that I will return to posting in the (hopefully) not-too-distant future. But for now, I'm content to hit the "pause" button.
Whether you read every post, an occasional post or even just a single post, I thank you for your readership and support. Until next time!